To calculate how many rolls of stick and peel wallpaper you will need for your project, select your preferred measurement system (cm or inches/feet) below and follow the instructions.
1. Round the height of your wall to the nearest roll length (100 cm, 260 cm, 310 cm, or 400 cm).
Example: If your wall measures just under 220 cm, round up to 260 cm.(Note: If you are ordering for multiple walls in the same room, use the tallest wall height so that all the rolls are the same length.)
2. Calculate how many rolls you need
Take the full width of your wall (in centimeters) and divide it by 61 cm. If you will be installing on multiple walls in the same room that touch each other, add up the widths of each wall and divide that number by 61 cm.
3. Round this answer up to the full number and order that many rolls of wallpaper.
1. Round the height of your wall to the nearest roll length (3, 6, 9, 12 feet).
Example: If your wall measures just under 8 feet, not including the crown moulding, round up to 9 feet.(Note: If you are ordering for multiple walls in the same room, use the tallest wall height so that all the rolls are the same length.)
2. Calculate how many rolls you need
Take the full width of your wall (in inches) and divide it by 24”. If you will be installing on multiple walls in the same room that touch each other, add up the widths of each wall and divide that number by 24”. If the walls are not continuous, simply use this formula to determine the number of rolls necessary for each wall individually.